The 29th of March 2017! A tremendous day in world history: The day a country decided that it had a future bigger and better than the crippling bureaucracy, encroaching authoritarianism, and punitive tariff walls that punish the world’s poor. Britain is leading the way in forging a new world!

Yet listen to the BBC, and one could easily come away with the idea that the EU vote has divided the nation. Maybe in champagne-socialist London this is true, and it’s certainly given the SNP the excuse they wanted to try and destroy Scotland, but in the rest of the country, those who voted to Remain most certainly did not vote that way because they cared about the EU.

Remember the Remain campaign: You will lose your job. Taxes will go up. Trade will collapse. There will be a national state of emergency. Even hardened Eurosceptics wondered if there might be an inkling of truth, as stern-faced politicians warned us of impending doom. A majority of Remain voters reluctantly ticked that box because they feared – as the Cameron government wanted them to – the consequences of ‘going it alone’ (meaning joining the rest of the world).

It’s time the Remoaners woke up. Yes, a minority of Remain voters were passionate about the EU. But many of them were passionate about their idea of the EU, not the EU itself. Many, like Marxist professors who were still praising the USSR as refugees flowed out, see an idea of love, unity and peace, lacking the knowledge of what the EU actually is: a system that centralises power away from accountable parliaments; a system that creates classes – the Euro-elite, the national citizen, and then those at the bottom, unlucky enough to be born outside the EU; a system that has stolen the future of millions of young people in Greece, Spain and Italy by inflicting unemployment on them.

Claiming the country is massively divided is the kind of poor journalism that voters are reacting to across the world. As the media has lowered standards and destroyed respect, they in turn have become victims as trust has failed and the increasing desperation to sell papers and programmes becomes apparent in broadcasting standards.

Yet not all Remoaner complaints are vacuous: Michael Heseltine’s bizarre anti-German rant did point out that the EU really is now in German hands. Sir Bill Cash has been pointing this fact out for decades: the EU has ever more been modelled and structured on a German vision, and been driven by German aims.

Brexit is happening precisely because Britain could not prevent this in the structures given: Maastricht gave Germany the reigns of Europe; German voting power in the Council of Ministers has nearly doubled; and German thinking views Europe as an extension of greater Germany.

Thus, Europe post-Brexit – or at least the rump EU that integrates further – is likely to take on a federal shape that emulates the German basis. It is for other states to work out, in the face of Britain’s prosperity, whether Germanification is for them.