The Daily Mail reports: "A move to drag Britain into ‘deeper economic and monetary union’ with the rest of the EU is being planned in Brussels…" Moreover, it says that "It had been thought that the new powers would apply exclusively to countries that are members of the single currency. But Mr Van Rompuy’s conclusions say that the measures will apply to "the EU and the euro area."

Bill Cash was quoted saying that such proposals are "completely unacceptable."

It has been reported that David Cameron is prepared "to trade agreement on a new treaty in return for a deal to cap the EU’s runaway budget." Bill Cash said: "Of course it is right to reject the proposed increase in the Commission’s budget – there is no room for concession on that. But it would be an outrage to trade off economic governance over the UK in return for moderation in the budget increase."  He stressed that "The proposal is not so much a trade-off as a sell-out." Read the article here.