Next Tuesday, the House of Commons will vote on the European Union Bill. The Telegraph reports: “Eurosceptic Tories will table radical changes to the legislation, which they claim does not deliver on its promise of a referendum on future transfers of powers to the European Union.” In fact, it points out “The prospect of a pincer movement of Labour MPs and Tory rebels is acutely worrying for Mr Cameron, whose Coalition majority of 76 would be overturned if just over half that number of Tories joined forces with Labour.”

Bill Cash was quoted saying "The Government has come forward with a proposal which could make things worse. My amendments reaffirm the supremacy of the UK Parliament.” Moreover, he stressed "I would say this is a matter of national interest, not party politics. This is a crucial matter of the national interest and I would hope all MPs would react accordingly and support my amendment."

The Daily Express also quoted Bill Cash as saying “It is essential that MPs protect their constituents, because that’s what we have been elected to do.

“This is about who governs Britain. It’s not our Parliament as MPs, it’s the people’s Parliament and it is our duty to uphold it.”