The EuropeanVoice reports: “The European Commission provides financial support to five orchestras – two chamber orchestras, a baroque orchestra, a youth orchestra and a jazz orchestra – chosen since 2007 through a competitive process with three specific criteria: to promote cross-border mobility; to encourage the international circulation of cultural and artistic output; and to foster intercultural dialogue.”

According to the EuropeanVoice “In 2010, the amount of EU funding provided for these orchestras – ‘cultural ambassadors', as it views them – ranged from €147,380 for the European Union Chamber Orchestra (or about 27% of its funding) to €600,000 for the European Union Youth Orchestra (or just under 40% of its funding).

In fact, a TPA’s report from last June has already revealed that “music dominates the “Cultural Ambassadors Programme”, with bands and orchestras receiving over €2.2 million in funding programme out of the €2.6 million available in total within this category (out of the €6.8 million awarded to all groups).”